hello fellow classmates,
It has been a long quater period within the course crim 301. This research paper has been one of the toughest paper I wrote since I was in community college. The biggest advice I could give is go to the writing center and make appoinments ahead to check your paper. Also have write many drafts and reread the drafts outloud to find the gaps or missing words of the paper. I would breakdown the research paper in many different steps and start with the literature review first than anything else. Please use the basement in the campus to look up for journal articles and books in the top levels of the library. Books might be boring it does save time of reading a lot information not need to be read. Finally visit Professor Jenny officer hours to have contact and help with the any problem the person might have for previous lectures or paper work. I had hard time through out the course I understood more why and how does law enforcement tries to avoid profiling and more into community policing.
The research question I wrote about was in profiling in law enforcement. Has law enforcement profiling damage the community? I started to focus on community policing but I end up focusing on racial profiling in communities and also during traffic stops. As Professor Jenny told me get a book to get deep defining broken windows theory I use this book called Pockets of Crime: Broken Windows, Collective Efficacy, And The Criminal Point Of View by Peter K.B. ST. Jean. This book could found in the campus library third floor under HV section if I could remember. This is useful book because it goes deep with the theories broken window and the collective efficacy. Also it gives pros and cons of the broken windows theory and why collective efficacy is better approach. There are many books with other information related to work on the broken windows but this book in particular has more information than articles online in the database. thank you and I hope this might help future researchers interests of this topic. Thank you again Armando Tovar
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